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Support TCI: For Individuals


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Subscribe to our newsletter

Keep up to date with developments at TCI and reach out if you see a project you’d like to support.


Donate to support our work with communities around the world

Direct donations are the most effective way to sustain TCI’s mentorship and advising programs with climbing communities around the globe.


Shop our merchandise store

We have an assortment of eco-friendly and ethically produced shirts and tanks, with plans to add more items produced by climbers around the world!


Grow our Climbing Leadership Fund

Access to expertise and training is not equitable in the global climbing community. To combat this, we are providing logistical and financial support to climbing leaders who are dedicated to helping their local climbing community grow safely and sustainably.


Volunteer with TCI

TCI has some limited opportunities to welcome volunteers who have skills aligned with TCI’s needs. Click the button below to read about TCI’s volunteer opportunities.